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Brainwave-sensing headband from "Enchanted Wave"
Brainwave-sensing headband mobile app


EEG signal

Real-time sleep staging

Interact with your dreams

Lucid dream induction methods integrated


How it works

Screenshot SleepCue.jpg

Lucid dream induction and interaction protocols

Integrated and automated for you

The famous inventor, Thomas Edison used a special skill during sleep onset to introduce scientific creativity. One of the most creative artists in history, Salvador Dali, used a dropping spoon/key from hand to help capture the creative moments during the hypnagogic state around sleep onset.

With this protocol, the app can help you access the resourceful hypnagogic state easily by playing the selected cue right after it, to wake you up.

This protocol plays the selected audio cue periodically during REM sleep (interval = 5 minutes) with a sleep depth-based sound volume regulation. The goal is to play the audio loud enough to be perceived in dreams, but not too loud to wake up the user.

This is an experimental protocol, that allows the user to signal the app from within a lucid dream. The original process was established in sleep research labs. (Click here for related publications.)

When this protocol is on, the headband will monitor the eye movements for a suspected "left-right-left-right" pattern. Once detected, the app will play a series of metronome sounds. If the user is indeed in a lucid dream, he or she should follow the metronome beats and look "left-right-left-right" in the dream world, which will trigger the corresponding eye movements that can be detected by the headband and recorded as "Lucid dream confirmed" by the "Sleep cue" app.

"SSILD" is a protocol to provide real-time guidance and cues for the classic technique known as the "Senses Induced Lucid Dream". (Click here to read more about the SSILD technique.)

With this protocol, the app plays 3 types of cues (visual, auditory, and tactile) according to the SSILD technique's agenda, while the user is awake, typically after a WBTB routine.

The goal is to activate more regions of the cortex so the brain is primed for dream lucidity. This practice usually doesn't lead the user directly into a lucid dream. Instead, the lucid dream would happen in the first or second REM period after the SSILD practice.

This protocol is one of the most effective lucid dream induction protocols. It plays the selected audio cue periodically during REM sleep (current interval = 15 minutes). The goal is to cause the user to drift in and out of REM sleep, making it easier to have lucid dreams.

"Sleep Cue" mobile app for lucid dream induction and dream interaction

Special Deal

Access the limited-time promotion for dream-exploring individuals: A bonus wristband for reality check practice.

(Click here for details.)


User Reviews

The automated lucid-dream induction protocols in the Sleep Cue app are awesome! I don't need to memorize the techniques anymore. The real-time instructions do the work for me.

- David

Blue Skies

About Us

OneiroLink is a subdivision of Enchanted Wave Technology, specializing in pioneering human-computer interactive technology for dream exploration and interaction. Our mission is to expand the applications of cutting-edge wearable EEG technology, originally developed for cognitive and sleep research purposes, into the field of dream studies.


OneiroLink's primary focus lies in facilitating lucid dreaming and dream interaction. Our objective is to empower enthusiasts to elevate their experience within the fascinating realm of lucid dreaming. Through the utilization of our innovative brainwave sensing technology and patented human-computer interface,  we aim to equip individuals with efficient tools for inducing lucid dreams and conveniently experimenting with dream interaction.

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